enough emphasis has been placed on this fundamental differonco," Dr. Karpman remarked.

"We are only on the threshold of the mind," Dr. Karpman stated as a commentary and a prediction. Given another twenty-five years and another Freud, Dr. Karpman thought To might be able to say something authorativo.

K. L. and M. G.

Lesbian Artist: ROSA BONHEUR

In 1895 Rosa Bonheur was made an officer of the "Logion of Honor," France's highest honor. She was the first woman to bo so honored. With the exception of Sapphu, no admittedly Losbian woman ever received the unanimous acclaim that Rosa Bonheur did in her lifetime.

Rosa Bonheur was born in 1822. Her fathor, Raymond Bonhour, was an art teacher and her mother, Sophie Marquis Bonhour, had been his pupil. As a child Rosa's father permitted her to study art in his all-male class, an unheard-of-thing at that time. She was immediately recognized as a talented artist while very young and some of her biographies montion that when she was older she adopted male clothing in order to be able to frequent market places and paint undisturbed. However, the facts show that Rosa adopted male garb before she left her earliest teens. There is a color reproduction of a portrait of Rosa Bonheur by the famous French artist Corot in the art periodical "International Studio," v.97, P.51, December, 1930, which shows Rosa as a girl of porhaps 13 or 14 dressed fully as a boy.

Raymond Bonheur was a follower of the "Saint Simonian" movement in Franco, which held ideas similar to the "Womens' Rights" movement in America. It is not surpris. ing that Rosa Bonhour had a more liberal home atmosphere than many of her contemporarios.


At the beginning of hor adult caroor, Rosa Bonheur formed an ardent attachment with Nathalie Micas. Nathalie Micas and her mother, Mmo, Micas, lived at "By" with Rosa. Micas was Rosa Bonheur's housekeeper and these three women lived together until Nathalie Micas died in 1889. The